Portfolio Website


The Text-to-Speech Web Application is a user-friendly platform that allows users to enter text into a provided input field, and the application converts that text into speech, providing the user with an audio output of the entered text. This project is built using JavaScript and utilizes a text-to-speech API for the conversion process.



This website is developed using a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript



TextUtils is a user-friendly web application developed using React, designed to assist users in manipulating and analyzing text in various ways. With features such as converting text to uppercase and lowercase, copying text, clearing text, previewing text, and calculating the time required to read the text, TextUtils empowers users to manage their text content efficiently.



The "Relaxer" animation is a calm and soothing animation made with CSS. It's like a gentle guide that helps people do a calming breathing exercise. The goal is to help people relax and be more mindful. The animation shows when to breathe in and out slowly, making a peaceful picture that helps people feel less stressed and more at ease.

Me and
MyTech Stack

I have a bunch of skills that let me create and build things on the internet. I use HTML to put the basic structure of websites together, and CSS to make them look nice and organized.I use JavaScript to add interactive features. I'm also good at using ReactJS, which helps me make really cool and user-friendly web apps.

In addition to my core skills, I'm also familiar with popular web development frameworks like Bootstrap and Tailwind. Bootstrap is like a ready-to-use kit that helps me build websites quickly. It offers pre-designed elements and styles that save me time and effort. On the other hand, Tailwind is a bit different – it gives me building blocks to create custom designs using classes, making it super flexible. With these frameworks, I can create sleek and responsive websites with ease, adapting to different devices and screen sizes seamlessly.

I have strong expertise in C++ and java language. I also know about Data Structures and Algorithms, which are like tools that help me solve problems and work through challenges. With all these skills, I can take on a wide range of projects. I can make websites that not only work well but also look amazing and are enjoyable for people to use.

Contact Me

Thank you for visiting my portfolio! I'm thrilled to connect with you and discuss potential collaborations, projects, or just have a creative conversation. Whether you're interested in working together, have a question, or simply want to share your thoughts, I'm all ears